Lets Open Up a Retail Store

Lets Open Up a Retail Store

Lets Open Up a Retail Store

After weeks of hibernation and post-pone of our official opening. We are happy to finally open our store in the heart of Vesterbro, Copenhagen. We're extremely excited to be a part of this emerging neighborhood and provide the shopping experience we have always been looking for; unpretentious and considered, like a clubhouse. 

martin påskesen

We took a functional and clean approach to build this space and stripped away all unnecessary noise.

The first thing we people will notice is the flowers and a bench outside the store. It makes up the perfect spot for catching some sun and do a little people watching. The bench is made bespoke and we decorated it with a quilted cushion in leftover materials from Kvadrat.

Everything in the store was curated with thoughtfulness and with the goal of communicating the vision and story of our brand. Our friend and artist Martin Paaskesen did a painting where the frame is made from a recycled table found on the streets of Copenhagen. The magazines are curated by our friend Jacq of Eleven O. The book that lies in our shelving system is a gift from Haydée Touitou, writer, friend, and co-founder of The Skirt Chronicles. 

We are looking forward to showing you our physical manifestation of ANOTHER ASPECT.

Please come by Oehlenschlægersgade 13, for a Friday beer, coffee, or just small talk.


Thursday & Friday 11 AM - 6 PM
Saturday 11 AM - 5 PM 

Or when the bench is out.